One key step to start getting your email under control

Our new email productivity course is launching soon – read on for details! Make email your friend, not your foe Imagine your email notification ringtone. Does it make you cringe just thinking of it? Email is one of the most persistent, nagging challenges of working life. We get a ton done via email, whether for […]

Inserting Images [& Media] into WordPress Posts/Pages (Video Tip)

Adding media, such as inserting images, into WordPress is pretty easy, but some folks need some guidance the first time they attempt to do so.  This video should help get you on the right track. Hopefully you'll find this video helpful if you are new to WordPress and want to "see" how to insert media. The [...]

Updating Your WordPress Installation (Video Tip)

Updating your WordPress installation is an important task to complete regularly to make sure your site is secure and working well for your visitors.  In this quick video above (or here) tip you can learn the basics as to how to update your WordPress Core, Plugin, and Theme files and get  some tips as to how [...]

Basic Theme Customization in WordPress (Video Tip)

WordPress has a nice builtin tool which allows even novice users to quickly customize the default (and select other) themes right from the friendly WordPress admin interface.  See the video above (or here) for a quick course on how you can use this feature to complete basic theme customization as soon as you install WordPress. What [...]

Protect Your Tech Cables With Simple Pen Spring Hack (Video Tip)

Issue – Stressed & Frayed Cables Here is a quick video tip I found online and applied to a problem I have seen (and Apple admits) over the years with Apple Laptop Power bricks. At joints of such cables, they can tend to fray with longterm or heavy use.   There are even commercial solutions to the […]