Hi! I’m Joshua McNary

I help companies stop wasting money on the technology they use to run their business.

How do You know If You need My Help?

Here are possible symptoms of needing my help:

  • You spending a fortune on tech but not seeing the ROI you expected.
  • You know you’d be up a creek if your key tech tools have a major problem.
  • You are leaving money on the table because your tech tools are not fully configured or inefficient.
  • You sense your tech isn’t helping you work as fast or as well as it should. 
  • There is better tech available to run your business, but you don’t have the time-money-patience to make changes
  • You are tired of hearing your team complain about the tech tools your business uses. 
  • Your tech is out of sync, you can never find the data you are looking for.
  • Your technology stack causes your business-marketing-sales plans fail because they are not designed to support your current goals.
  • You are worried about how tech & AI evolving  you don’t want to miss out or fall behind.

What does a business technologist do exactly?

A Business Technologist helps a company use technology to do their jobs better. Generally, I do this by helping you with new technology solutions or by optimizing your existing ones to help businesses run more efficiently. I also help businesses by finding new ways to use technology or help you to understand how technology can benefit your business.

Some people might call what I do being a Fractional Chief Information Officer”.

We might begin with one the following efforts, to get started on the right foot:

  • Review existing business tech
  • Documenting current business tech
  • Defining a new tech selection process

Not Ready To Hire Me Yet?

The best way to stay in touch is to subscribe to my free email newsletter. It’s a free resource highlighting key business and technology topics that you should be thinking about and insights from my experiences with clients. 

Bonus: When subscribing, I’ll send you an optional booking link for a free 25-minute meeting with me to offer quick advice to solve a business tech issue you currently have:

About Me

Joshua McNary at Whiteboard

Hi! I’m Joshua McNary. I’m on a mission to ensure the power of technology transforms your business.

As the founder and CEO of McNary Marketing & Design LLC, I’ve spent decades leveraging my extensive experience in business strategy, technology, and operational savvy to provide innovative solutions to clients’ problems. With a background spanning non-profit, corporate, and start-up worlds, I’ve had a unique perspective on how to integrate technology into various business models effectively.

After 24 years of innovating with technology, I’ve learned that when your technology goals are clear, it’s easier for you to choose the right software, encounter less resistance to change, and achieve the ROI you’re looking for.

My team and I have assisted numerous businesses with their initiatives, developing proactive goal-oriented websites, designing and implementing various sales & marketing systems and integrations, and providing related business technology solutions.

In addition to my work at McNary Marketing & Design, I am an entrepreneurial community and productivity strategy enthusiast. This passion has helped me grow my efforts at McNary Marketing and benefited my clients. 

I share my insights and expertise through a weekly newsletter, describing how you can ensure technology is working for your business. Subscribe here for free.


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My FREE Website Self Assessment Checksheet is based on my decades of experience in web development and marketing.

Sign up below to get instant access to a Google Sheet Document of the checksheet that you can start using immediately.

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