
The following information is provided as a cut-and-paste resource about your truly for conference organizers, media professionals, podcast hosts, and other interested parties.

Please feel free to use anything here as-is without checking with me first. If you have additional questions, you can email me directly.

Quick Bio

Joshua McNary is on a mission to ensure technology is valuable and productive.

He helps non-technical entrepreneurs stop wasting money on the technology they use to run their business.

Long Bio

Joshua McNary is a Business Technologist on a mission to ensure technology is valuable and productive.

He helps non-technical entrepreneurs stop wasting money on the technology they use to run their business.

As the founder and CEO of McNary Marketing & Design LLC, Joshua has spent  decades leveraging his extensive experience in business strategy, technology, and operational savvy to provide innovative solutions to clients’ problems. With a background spanning non-profit, corporate, and start-up worlds, Joshua has a unique perspective on how to integrate technology into various business models effectively.

After 25 years of innovating with technology, he’s learned that when your technology goals are clear, it’s easier for you to choose the right software, encounter less resistance to change, and achieve the ROI you’re looking for.

Joshua and his team have assisted numerous businesses with their initiatives, developing proactive goal-oriented websites, designing and implementing various sales & marketing systems and integrations, and providing related business technology solutions.

In addition to his work at McNary Marketing & Design, Joshua is an entrepreneurial community and productivity strategy enthusiast. This passion has helped him grow his efforts at McNary Marketing and benefited his clients.

He shares his insights and expertise through a weekly newsletter, describing how you can ensure technology is working for your business. Subscribe for free at

Sample Questions for Joshua

  • “As a business technologist, how do you see AI transforming the way SMBs operate, and what are some practical applications that you’ve seen or implemented?”
  • “In your experience, what are some of the most exciting opportunities that new technologies like AI and IoT offer to SMBs, and how can they capitalize on them?”
  • “As an entrepreneur, how have you leveraged AI and other emerging technologies to gain a competitive edge in your own ventures?”
  • “What are some of the biggest misconceptions that SMB leaders have about AI and new tech, and how do you address these when working with them?”
  • How can SMBs with limited resources effectively integrate AI and other new technologies into their operations without breaking the bank?”
  • “In your opinion, what are some of the key trends in web development that SMB leaders should be aware of, and how can they use these trends to their advantage?”
  • “As a marketing and sales technologist, how do you see AI and new tech transforming the way SMBs approach customer acquisition and retention?”
  • “What advice would you give to SMB leaders who are feeling overwhelmed by the rapid pace of technological change and are unsure how to navigate it?”
  • “Can you share some examples of SMBs that have successfully integrated AI and new tech into their operations, and what lessons can other SMB leaders learn from them?”
  • How do you see the role of the business technologist evolving in the future, and what skills do you think will be most important for SMB leaders to develop in order to stay ahead of the curve?”

Facts About Joshua

  • I helped develop my high school’s first ever website in the 1990’s.
  • I play adult league & coach youth ice hockey. 
  • I’m a long suffering Cleveland Browns fan. 
  • I enjoy spending time in the wilderness without connection to the outside world. I’m a tech guy, but I like to go off the grid sometimes.

More from Joshua

Physical Location

  • Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
  • Central Time US (UTC -5)