Pay Per Click for E-Commerce

Pay Per Click advertising is a powerful way to drive traffic to your online shop. Using Google, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, or other platform, you can create sponsored ads that are linked to specific keywords and draw interested customers to your website.

The promise of e-commerce is that if you have a good product or service, if you build a good online shop, and if you get the right eyeballs on your website, you can make money. Pay Per Click ads can be an effective way to get those eyeballs there.

 Making Pay Per Click Work For E-Commerce.

If you’re selling a product, and know your profit margins, you can do the math. You can figure out how much you can afford to spend to still make a solid profit. Once you know that, you can start a campaign.

Then you start watching the data come in. You have to check whether you are:

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  • Targeting the right people,
  • Who are searching for the right things and
  • Whether you are showing them a good ad, with a solid offer,
  • Driving them to your website
  • And converting them.


Using the technology, and checking how the numbers improve with strategic changes, you can know if you’ve been successful. Once you hone your funnel, you can put more money towards that unique, profitable combination.

Pay Per Click Takes Time

Too often, people try PPC once and get frustrated with the lack of results. At McNary Marketing, we generally require at least three months, sometimes more, to perfect a Pay Per Click campaign. After we get started, we carefully watch the following:

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  • Keywords
  • Ads
  • Target Market
  • Platforms
  • Landing Pages


We figure out which ones are performing well, and which ones aren’t. We pivot and pour more energy into what works. Eventually, we are able to sharpen the campaign and make it really work.

With that kind of strategy in place, a PPC campaign can become a well-paying slot machine. You put money in, and profit is made.
Without a strategy, and those key components tweaked to perfection, a Pay Per Click campaign can be more of a traditional slot machine – where you are likely to lose money.

Have you tried a PPC campaign before? Did you put together a long term profit strategy to make sure you were making money? Do you want someone on your side to help you create a lasting approach? Let’s talk.

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