“What do you REALLY mean when you say you need a website?” — Joshua McNary on The Doug Wagner Show — Radio Audio

Joshua McNary, Business Technologist at McNary Marketing & Design was on The Doug Wagner Show on August 26, 2024 talking "What do you REALLY mean when you say you need a website?". Play below or click here to listen (or listen on iHeart Radio).

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Doug Wagner 00:00

Give you the traffic here real quick. I will tell you that as we’re going through, there is one hitch in the giddy up, an I 380. I 380 southbound at exit 25, the right, shoulders blocked due to a stalled vehicle. There is the highway helper over there and Lynn county sheriff over there checking it out as well. So make sure that you are aware of that on I 3d southbound near Boyce and Road. All right, 640 in the morning show. Doug Wagner with you. It’s Monday, August 26. It’s a warm one. Excessive heat advisory today. Clear in Iowa City, 75 in Hays and Cedar Rapids. And in Waterloo, clear 75 in Davenport, 73 Hayes in Dubuque. Josh McNary joins me here on the morning show. JoshuA McNary, I appreciate you taking the time to join me here on the radio, McNary marketing and design, where he’s a business tech expert. The question comes up, what do you really mean when you say you need a website? Joshua, good morning to you.

Joshua McNary 01:00

Hi, Doug. Thanks for having me on.

Doug Wagner 01:02

Appreciate you talking to me this morning. And to the people who are business owners who are out there and they’ve tried to get a functional website, it’s surprising how few websites are functional. Well, what do people really mean when they say they need a website?

Joshua McNary 01:16

Yeah. I’ve been doing this for ten plus years in my business and longer than that as a professional. And I could tell you that often that question gets overlooked, that idea of, like, what are we actually trying to achieve on our website? And that’s why I have my newsletter here, which you could [email protected]. subscribe I wrote about this concept because I’ve seen so many people coming and out of my business over the years, and some of them have great plans in place, great strategies in place. But there are often too many times, even sometimes I get fooled in that there’s a thought, okay, this is a great business idea. This is a great thing we could do inside of our existing business. But they haven’t thought through how to actually make that website functional, to actually achieve whatever that goal is in mind. Just because often a website makes you think that you, if you just do the website, it’ll work out, everything, everything will fall into place. But as often, tasks before and after the website, that has to be thought through before you’re going to have that successful web project in the end.

Doug Wagner 02:17

Yeah. It’s so funny because, you know, everybody wants an intuitive website, something that you can just point, click, point, click, and it answers its own questions right there. But then we just get caught up? What’s the first thing that people get caught up in? What’s the first roadblock that they run into?

Joshua McNary 02:31

Well, I would say it’s making sure you are thinking about what the customer is actually trying to achieve through that web project. Again, we have binders on sometimes in our businesses and our organizations that we’re part of because we’re so close to our new idea or our product or our offering. And in that we kind of forget. Well, okay, why did the customer even show up at our website in the first place? How did they even find our website? And what is their mentality when they show up there? So that when they get there, we can then provide the right answers that actually onboards them into our contact form or into our e commerce offer or wherever it might be. So it’s actually thinking through what’s happening as they come in. And I’ll add to that in my thought process on this newsletter. Washington. Okay. There’s also the steps after as well. So when you get that lead or that sale and. Okay, well, how are we making sure that that is coming off the website and into whatever process we have or if we’re a new business, building a process to handle that?

Doug Wagner 03:34

Joshua McNary joining me here on the morning show. You can find out more about what he’s doing at McNary marketing design. I’ll give you the website here in a second. We’re talking about, what do you really mean when you say you need a website? Got to be more than just simply intuitive. It’s something that takes a lot of active thought process. That’s why, you know what? If you’ve got a legal issue, go to a lawyer. If you had a medical issue, go to a doctor. If you’ve got a business tech issue, you go to Joshua McNary. Where do they find you?

Joshua McNary 04:02

Josh mcNarymarketing.com and that newsletters, mcNarymarketing.com subscribe.

Doug Wagner 04:09

Yep, subscribe to that. I get it on a regular basis and it’s always a good read. Hey, Joshua, thanks for joining me here on the morning show. Appreciate it. Have yourself a magnificent Monday. Stay cool. Okay?

Joshua McNary 04:19

You too. Thanks, doc.

Doug Wagner 04:20

All right. Take care. Coming up, we will be talking about senior scams rising next on the morning show.

Transcribed by https://grain.co

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