“AI Update: Agents, efficiency & strategy” — Joshua McNary on The Doug Wagner Show — Radio Audio

Joshua McNary, Business Technologist at McNary Marketing & Design was on The Doug Wagner Show on September 20, 2024 talking "AI Update: Agents, efficiency & strategy". Play below or click here to listen (or listen on iHeart Radio).

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Doug Wagner 00:00

739 on your Friday. It is September 20 of 2024. Doug Wagner with you. Beautiful sunshine, 63, Cedar Rapids, 64, Iowa City, 66 in Davenport and Dubuque, 59 degrees in Waterloo on your morning show. Got an update from Joshua McNary yesterday, and I said, joshua, got to have you on the program with me here. You were, I don’t know if you were at the event, but you were talking about an event called Macon. It’s the marketing artificial Intelligence conference, and it was in your hometown of Cleveland. Did you get to go to this? Joshua, good morning.

Joshua McNary 00:36

Yes, sir. Yes, I was honored to be there, and thanks for having me on again. Yeah, I was there last week. I had actually attended the last two years. And, yeah, it’s a great event. Learned a lot the first year that was like, okay, what are we going to do with this AI thing? And then this year, it was like, what are we doing with this AI thing? So it was. It was really interesting to see that in this fast paced technology world, how things are evolving.

Doug Wagner 01:00

Yeah, we’ve got limited time, unfortunately. I’d love to talk forever with you about this one, but there are three things I wanted to try to focus on. The time we have. They say the end of apps is near. What does that mean?

Joshua McNary 01:11

Yeah. So a futurist named Mike Walsh gave a talk, and he was saying, hey, you know what? In a few years, or maybe our grandkids in a number of years from now will say you had to select an app to do something because he was talking about the AI agents. So talking to kind of like Suri now or Alexa now, talking to having it do a chain of actions, not just one. So now we think about, okay, do this one thing. Map me here. What about, okay, plan an entire trip for me and book the flights and do all of those things, like, with one action to an AI agent. And that was in the context of what we’re talking about there.

Doug Wagner 01:46

Okay, how interesting. So it would just be an open source rather than have a brand and app, and it’d just be out there and just do it. That’s really kind of interesting. Figure out how you would make money on that.

Joshua McNary 01:58

Chaining together actions is kind of a next big thing in AI.

Doug Wagner 02:02

Okay, gotcha. And that would help drive efficiency as well, you say?

Joshua McNary 02:07

Yes, of course. I mean, if we’re able to take less action as a human and have the computer do more things for us, I mean, that’s been the trend for decades now. It’s been in the past. It’s been rules based. Like, we tell the computer. Hey, this is what a human would do and then do this sequence of events. That’s what automation has meant in the past. But AI is able to actually think for us and think of the actions to do. And that’s where the big efficiency gains come as we continue to leverage artificial intelligence and it gets better at doing those things.

Doug Wagner 02:39

Joshua McNary joining me here, McNary Marketing, the name of the company. Give you his website here. Coming up in a little bit. We’re talking about AI, his visit to the marketing AI conference in Cleveland this last week. Finally, you say AI is a tool, not a strategy. Explain that if you would, please.

Joshua McNary 02:57

Sure. Well, I mean, I’ve been on this show before, in years past, talking about how we have to have outcomes and goals defined before we unleash any technology on anything. And this is just another version of that. With artificial intelligence, though, it’s moving so quickly that you can’t really sit and plan too much. You got to start moving. So, of course we want to educate. I mean, we’re doing that right now. That’s what I’ve been learning from this event and other sources in the last number of years. You want to educate yourself. You want to think about what are you currently automating and what could these AI type tools that can think more and do more possibly do within your life and business now and then start tinkering with those things. See where you can start to use these tools to help you. But don’t get fooled by the idea that the tool is the object. No, the outcome is the object. What are your outcomes? And use that and focus on that.

Doug Wagner 03:51

It’s remarkable stuff. Joshua McNary from McNary Marketing. How do people find out what you’re doing, what you’re up to website and what you’re doing with AI and marketing for your company?

Joshua McNary 04:01

Sure. Yeah. Great. Well, so mcNarymarketing.com is the website for general information. If you want to get on my newsletter, which is where you saw my write up about my experience at marketing AI conference. That’s mcnarymarketing.com. subscribe.

Doug Wagner 04:17

Fabulous. Hey, Joshua, thank you very much for your time today. I appreciate it. Have a wonderful weekend. We’ll check in again soon, okay?

Joshua McNary 04:24

Absolutely. You too, Doug.

Doug Wagner 04:25

All right, take care. Up next, the shoe guy, Greg Morris. We will preview Iowa, Minnesota, give you the opportunity to win a dollar 35 gift certificate of Bauman and Company.

Transcribed by https://grain.co

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