What You Should Know About Fake Google Business Listings

We hate to be the bearer of more “fake” news, so to speak. After talking about deepfakes a couple weeks ago, we read the news about fake business accounts on Google Maps, as uncovered by the Wall Street Journal. The report mentioned that there could be as many as 11 million fake listings on Google [...]

How to Choose a Team Project Management Tool

If your to-do list is growing, and you are trying to coordinate with a team, it may be time for a project management tool. You’ve probably heard a number of recommendations thrown out among your colleagues or in ads online, but how do you know where to start. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the choices, [...]

Deepfakes and the Future of Marketing Technology

What is a deepfake? Well, it’s not the informant in this summer’s best-selling thrilling mystery. It’s the manipulation of media, including videos, using machine learning and artificial intelligence. Bad actors can pretty easily “fake” a video making you think it is very real. You can see some past examples here. It’s becoming a problem (or [...]

When and How to Automate that Task

As a business owner or other professional in our modern age, you’ve probably heard the advice to “just automate that task.” Automation is often recommended as a great way to save time, be more productive, and get more done. But how and when should you take the time to set up and learn an automation [...]